What is the Opposite of Abundance?


When it comes to the opposite of what abundance mentality is, the opposite is usually what we refer to as scarcity mindset or mentality. People, in general, with such kind of mentality, believe that there is only one pie in the entire world and you have to fight for it. The scarcity mentality has a lot of limiting beliefs such as limited resources, limited love, limited wealth, limited opportunities or gains, and just everything in the world seems limited.

To these people, the world may have very limited things to offer and the world is running out of things. These people adapt to characteristics like being egotistical, narcissistic, mean, or very selfish in general. These low vibrational people doubt their abilities and smudge dirt on their potential by believing that we are all bound to limits that result in them.

Scarcity Mindset:

People with a scarcity mentality tend to stay in their comfort zone where they think they got a piece of that pie when in reality the world has a tremendous amount of pie. They will rather stick to that one pie they perceive as the only pie in the entire world, and they think they are lucky which is delusional and very deceptive.

Usually, someone with the mentality of abundance tends to get happy and rejoice in the success of others. Whereas, people with a scarcity mentality tend to show disdainful behaviour and exhibit it to the person who is doing well than them. A scarcity mentality puts constraints between us from leading a good life and accomplishing things outside conventional.

Impact of Scarcity Mindset:

The scarcity mindset tends to believe there is the only traditional way to walk on. They find it the safest without even trying out the different ways or exonerating creativity on the hurdles faced when it comes to the different ways which could trigger a lot of qualities about them and realization of their talents and potentials.

To have a scarcity mindset is very detrimental as such people tend to be unhappy with their lives and prefer stability instead of change. These people are always negative and have negative perceptions toward others. These people are stuck in the negativity. Thus, they tend to attract more negative things in their lives or they stay stagnant all their lives without even budging a little bit.

These kinds of people live under fear and become selfish when it comes to their achievements and would rather not share with anyone but themselves which provokes a selfish personality.

Why Do People Tend to Have Scarcity Mentality?

Many people in this world tend to have a scarcity mentality. They would rather not have an open mind where they are delusional about the fact that the world has a limited amount of availability when it comes to resources such as time opportunities and even the possible natural resources.

It is common for people with a scarcity mentality to feel unworthy and overwhelmed, so they feel ungrateful. In addition to being unsatisfied, people with a scarcity mentality are also unthankful because they focus on what they don’t have.

 When it comes to our society, prevailing and competing is an important exhibition. It comes in all forms such as competition for monetary gains or positions at work as well as placing higher than others or in general relating to higher living standards.

Society thinks that as soon as we accomplish those things, it will lead us to our happiness. However, it is not the truth because we are not satisfied in our lives and neglect to enjoy the moments in our lives. This leads to more time being wasted and every year, more of our age gets wasted pursuing world materials.

Wants of People with Scarcity Mindset:

People with a scarcity mindset want to do well than others and put themselves over others where they care only about their achievements rather than handing out help to others beneath. These people, when they see someone leveling up faster and higher than them, tend to get jealous.

They are the people who are usually Micromanagers. A scarcity mindset is very perilous and leads to disastrous consequences where it’s a reinternment which will not only personally affect you but the people around you where you may eventually be left alone by others in the end.

Scarcity mentality will affect your relationship, although you may have achieved greater success, your expectation about it making you happy will not work as the achievements are not the answer to happiness.

It is possible that you have ruined any relationships and wasted half of your life on your journey to success, which makes you regret your life choices. The scarcity mentality impacts the person’s ability to hold information, reason logically, and solve problems.

Scarcity Promotes Tunnel Vision

Scarcity Promotes Tunnel Vision

In this modern society, competition has become a very significant aspect. Every individual has competition in different considered aspects like life standards, money, and marks. Some people instead of focusing on their happiness are always in competition.

They always feel that they don’t have enough. Such kind feelings allow them to be ungrateful for what they have. Everybody in this world has a hard time in their life. It is a bitter fact that life is not easy. You have to struggle in order to survive. Scarcity promotes tunnel vision which explains why and when you are in a hole.

This pushes a person to lose sight of long-term priorities. The scarcity mindset and abundance mindset are opposite of each other. We all have the choice to adopt one mindset, as it allows us to see the available opportunities.

Difference between Abundance Mindset and Scarcity Mindset

Abundance Mindset Scarcity Mindset
  • An abundance mindset is where the people think positively that there are enough resources for them and they have to struggle to become successful.


  • The scarcity mindset is where the people believe that the resources are enough and they have to fight to get their piece.
  • People appreciate others.
  • People got jealous of others’ success.
  • Remain happy and motivated.
  • Remain sad and focus on the things they don’t have.
  • Learn from their mistakes.
  • People always remember their mistakes.
  • An abundance mindset is good for the people because people believe in their powers.
  • The scarcity mindset is harmful because it affects the decision-making process of the brain.

Examples of Scarcity:

  • Your boss wants her to finish two projects, but she can’t finish them on time, according to a coworker. The completion of project A will take 30 hours, while that of project B will take 35 hours. Your colleague will not be able to finish both projects on time even if she works a 40-hour week.
  • Pens and pencils are made by the same business. The price of pencils goes up as a result of rising demand, making this product more profitable. The company wants to make more pencils because of this. However, the company can only produce more pencils by reducing pen production because both pens and pencils must have a fixed amount of capital to manufacture.
  • A college student desires to go to the movies and dine out with friends. But when he looks at his budget, he sees that he can’t afford to do both, so he decides to go to dinner with friends.
  • A radio station promotion gave Nikki and her friends free tickets to see Molly G, a well-known rapper. The concert is sold out when they arrive at the box office.
  • Fred wants to get snacks at the convenience store by riding his bike; He rides his bike because he has enough time to get there and back.


What is the opposite of an abundance mindset?

Ans. Scarcity mentality is the opposite of abundance mentality, where people believe there is only one pie in the world and they must fight for it. In scarcity mentality, there are many limiting beliefs, including limited resources, limited love, limited wealth, and limited opportunities.

How do the people with a scarcity mindset behave?

Ans. In reality, the world has a tremendous amount of pie, but people with a scarcity mentality tend to stay in their comfort zones. As a result, they stick to one pie they perceive as the only pie in the whole world, which is very deceiving and delusional.

What is the impact of a scarcity mindset?

Ans. A scarcity mindset tends to believe there is the only traditional way to walk which is the safest without even trying out a different way or exonerating creativity on the hurdles faced when it comes to the different ways which could trigger a lot of qualities about ourselves and realization of our talents and potentials.

What is the difference between abundance and scarcity mindset?

Ans. People with a scarcity mindset believe that the resources are enough and they have to fight to get their piece. The scarcity mindset is harmful because it affects the decision-making process of the brain. People with an abundance mindset assume there are enough resources for them and they have to work hard to succeed.

Why people don’t focus on their happiness?

Ans. In this modern society, competition has become a very significant aspect. Every individual has competition in different considered aspects like life standards, money, and marks. Some people, instead of focusing on their happiness, are always in competition. They always feel that they don’t have enough.

Why do people have a scarcity mindset?

Ans. The innate belief that there will never be enough is what gives rise to a scarcity mindset. At the risk of sounding dramatic, this is a harmful perspective on the world that can harm every thought and thought we have for ourselves.

Is there good or bad scarcity?

Ans. One of the most significant influences on supply and demand is scarcity. In any price-based market, the scarcity of goods has a significant impact on competition. As a result of increased demand for scarce goods, their prices frequently rise as well.

How do you deal with scarcity in your daily life?

Ans. Scarcity is one of the defining characteristics of economics. It examines how people can satisfy an infinite number of desires and needs with a finite number of resources. How governments and private businesses divide resources and the monetary value people place on goods and services are both affected by scarcity.

What social issues does scarcity bring about?

Ans. Scarcity also reduces integration and raises inequality, both of which threaten democracy or weaken it. The escalation of conflict as a result of scarcity and the resulting erosion of legitimacy poses particular challenges to democracy’s continued existence.


Scarcity mentality is the opposite of abundance mentality, which is what people with abundance mentality tend to have. Scarcity mentality is very detrimental, it has all the negative aspects of life. It is very common these days that people with a scarcity mentality, i.e., walk around all across the place.

This mentality will ruin lives. Scarcity mentality means feeling that nothing is enough and never showing gratitude for what you have. A scarcity mentality will lead to failure in comparison to an abundance mentality that can lead to success.

It has been concluded that scarcity not only harms the person but his surroundings as well. This kind of mindset makes every wrong decision in life and people with such a mindset will never find happiness. Monetary gain is another important factor as to why many people in today’s society have a scarcity mentality. Read more about Abundance Mindset Affirmations.

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