The Desire Map: A Guide to Setting Soulful Goals


Danielle LaPorte is the founder of one of the top one hundred women’s websites around the globe. She is a bestselling Canadian author, entrepreneur, blogger, and inspirational speaker.
Danielle LaPorte is the author of three non-fiction books emphasizing consciousness of entrepreneurs and goal-setting. Her newest spiritual devotion, White-Hot Truth, looks at the current dynamics of the self-help culture. She is also the co-author of a book on personal style.
The Desire Map: A Guide to Setting Soulful Goals was published in 2012 to help people who face difficulty achieving their aims. She teaches readers about spirituality, business, and self-development. The Desire Map was translated into eight languages.
If you are achieving things but not becoming happier or struggling to achieve them for the first time, you should read this amazing book on the abundance mindset. Objectives with soul, according to Danielle, originate from within, no other way about. Thus, we should choose our targets to promote mental well-being.

3 Reliable Lesson:

This book is written for you if your goal-setting and goal-achieving approach is not making you happy. Here are three reliable lessons from the book to get you started planning out your wishes:

  • Your talent enhances by desire.
  • Even if it is only for you, emotions are as true as realities.
  • Targets that you dislike pursuing are not worthwhile.

Top 6 Lessons I learn from the book “The Desire Map”:

The major lessons of the book are based on the following aspects:

  • You become more innovative when you have a powerful desire for something
  • Especially if it is only for you, emotions are as true as realities
  • Goals which you despise obtaining are not worth pursuing in the first situation
  • You shouldn’t be afraid of your goals:
  • Make peace with your weakness
  • Final Summary

You Become more Innovative when you have a Powerful Desire for Something:

Danielle believes that desire is the driving factor in living. Whenever you hear the term “want,” you think of cruel needs, but desire extends well beyond that. Passion drives you to address your concerns, making you more inventive.

It is because seeking something pushes you to be innovative to figure out how you are going to buy it. For example, if you recall your first high school crush, I am sure you have imagined how you could make them recognize you. Sending handwritten messages, leaving clues, and, in my situation, outright gazing is an imaginative attempt to ignite that first spark. So, by using passion as the basis for goal planning, you are setting yourself for the work needed to get anywhere.

Especially if it is only for you, Emotions are as True as Realities:

We strive to make judgments based on evidence rather than emotions. We believe that by making decisions based on what is true for everybody, we will achieve greater results. But this is not always the case. Avoiding our thoughts is like ignoring the truth. Why? Emotions are just as correct as facts. They simply are not true for everyone. When you claim Fred is highly irritating. What you have said would be that Fred helps you happy extremely upset – and that is about as correct as it gets.

That is what causes disregarding feelings so difficult and incorrect. Furthermore, this is why companies do not force their workers to accept their hearts. Since intense emotions may become stressful and difficult to deal with. But, regardless of what your employer says, you must never dismiss whatever your “core wanted thoughts,” are telling you. These are all the key thoughts you want to experience in your lifetime. They are often the guiding lights that will allow you to make important life choices.

Goals which you Despise Obtaining are not Worth Pursuing in the First Situation:

Danielle tells the readers to set up aims like many motivated individuals are doing now. For example, “This year, I am planning to make $100,000.” Alternatively, “I will get my book published by October 15th of next year.” These hard statistics reduced her strengths and kept her worried about meeting the deadline.

Goals, on the other hand, should inspire you! If you despise the entire road of obtaining your aim, it will not be a purpose worth pursuing in the first position. This is not to say that the path to your aim will be all sunny and roses. But if you find yourself complaining at every stage of the process, it is time to reconsider.

You shouldn’t be afraid of your goals:

You probably know this; as of now, however, we could all utilize a little update. Thus, suppose it is somewhat stronger for individuals toward the back: if you fear chipping away at your objectives, you have some unacceptable objectives. The creator realized this firsthand because she used to lay out severe objectives for herself.
Whether it was distributing a book by a specific date or bringing in a specific measure of cash in a year, she put forth these objectives and endeavored to achieve them. Yet, rather than feeling happy with her advancement, she found that the unbending nature of these objectives just made her focused on and anxious.
Furthermore, although a piece of that is typical — laying out objectives can continuously feel scary — pursuing our objectives ought to give us joy and satisfaction.
For example, if you publish your first poem, you may be motivated to enter another piece in a competitor. Assuming you win sprinter up in that opposition, you may be motivated to begin your publication and allow different essayists a similar opportunity. Our desire develops through experiences like this, so pay attention to your longings and create new objectives to assist you with developing.

Make peace with your weakness:

What’s your greatest, most insane dream? Would you like to open your bread shop? Write the next best-selling novel. There’s no great explanation you can’t do those things — yet risks are, a little basic voice in your mind halted you.
Furthermore, that is why it’s memorable and critical that taking a gander at an incomplete draft and letting yourself know you can’t compose is like taking a gander at your uncooked cake blend and saying, “This cake tastes awful!” Neither of those things is sensible because, for each situation, your undertaking isn’t done, and it isn’t terrible; you’re just captivated by bad self-talk that holds you back from developing.
Rather than living alone in the forest, for example, your new goal may be to make additional opportunities for taking care of oneself over time and focus on private escapes that permit you to associate with nature.
This can open up additional opportunities for development and satisfaction you never envisioned, so be adequately receptive to allow those valuable chances to come into your life. It might be ideal assuming you were additionally ready to address the limits that influence seeking after your cravings.
Since we don’t all have limitless assets and not even one of us is powerful, you may be kept from achieving your objectives due to a restricted spending plan or individual obligations that put a weighty expectation on your time.

Final Summary:

Even though wants are in many cases deciphered as simply sexual and negative things, nothing could be further from reality. It wants to fuel human life and propel us to develop, accomplish, and make.
That is why reaching out to your actual cravings and finding what you need from life is significant. When you venture out, you can proceed to liberate yourself from the strain of satisfying others’ assumptions and open your brain to the positive force of accomplishing what you need.
As you follow your longings, it’s likewise critical to recollect the legitimacy of following your sentiments, tolerating your restrictions, and burying the hatchet with your shortcomings.

Four life-planning tools of The Desire Map

With The Craving Guide, Danielle LaPorte presents all holistic life-planning tools that will upset how you pursue what you need throughout everyday life. Proudly passionate and with a lot of warm brains, LaPorte turns the idea of aspiration back to front and offers an animated, refreshingly commonsense exercise manual for utilizing the Desire Map process:

  • Identify your “core desired feelings” in every life domain: lifestyle & livelihood, body & creativity, wellness & relationship, society & learning, and spirituality & essence.
  • Make practice “Goals with Soul” to create your center desired feelings
  • Why backing off on your assumptions frees you to arrive at your goals
  • Self-evaluation tests, worksheets, and complete Desire Mapping tools for making the existence you genuinely lengthy.

The Desire Map Course

The Desire Map course with Danielle LaPorte is an amazing asset for anybody who lives in the patriarchal world and needs a better approach to laying out goals. The Desired Map Full course runs in 4 parts. These four parts of the Desire Map course are as follows:
Finding Your Core Desired Feelings: Your Core Desire Feelings are how you need to feel more often than not — your most favored condition. They’re refreshing sentiments — positive and broad.
Explaining Your Core Desired Feelings: At the point when you make it from the heart, it makes a huge difference. Now that you’ve recognized your Center Wanted Feelings(!), we utilize those as the GPS to refine your life vision.
Arranging with Your Core Desired Feelings: We live in a goal-obsessed culture; however, this step of Desire Mapping is where we set expectations without the toil. We objective vet before we objective set because the excursion needs to feel how you believe the objective should feel.
Live Your Core Desired Feelings: Having CDFs is a jump toward a daily existence you love, and you should Incorporate them. In custom. Consistently. Basically. Capably.


Who is the author of the book The Desire Map?

Ans. The author of The Desire Map is Danielle LaPorte.

What is the major point of ‘The Desire Map,’ by Danielle LaPorte?

Ans. The Desire Map rewrites the goal-setting system by explaining wishes, not facts. This book powers our lifestyles and teaches us to depend on our emotions to manage life. Rather than responding to the pressures of the outside environment, tick the boxes on aims that do not matter to you.

What are the three major lessons learned from The Desire Map?

Ans. Here are three solid lessons to get you started planning out your wishes:

  • Your invention is boosted by desire.
  • Especially if it is only for you, thoughts are as true as realities.
  • Targets that you despise obtaining are not valuable.

What is the publish date of the book The Desire Map?

Ans. The Desire Map was originally Published on December 2012.

What might I do about my situation to help me feel more empowered and satisfied?

Ans. It is a challenging exercise to complete, let alone recall in the middle of a crisis. It often neutralizes individuals who grew up within a religious society where desire was seen negatively. But, at their root, all wants are positive, sincere, and honorable. You must struggle through the opaque emotions and find the underlying cause of them. And the existence of God has been at the core of all wants, just as it is at the root of us being image-bearers.


The book The Desire Map by Danielle explains the way to gain satisfaction. Among the most crucial aspects of human living is desire. It enables us to be innovative and develop as creative individuals. It is critical to avoid becoming trapped by the aims that others have set for you.

Do not accept whatever limitations or barriers you may face. Maintaining your mind and heart available to chance can help you to reap the full benefits of your desire. If you need help building what you want to map, this book includes activities and pictures.

The book is packed with wonderful material. It focuses on the significance of finding emotions and feelings. It also shows how to find your aims (while not becoming connected to specific results). LaPorte rewrites knowledge and wisdom in this book.

She offers relevant, practical suggestions for expressing your truths. She intends to aid readers in defining their core desired feelings (CDFs) on an annual basis.


In Danielle LaPorte’s book, The Desire Map, she offers another viewpoint on making “goals with soul” — beginning with how you need to feel every year and letting your ideal sentiments start to lead the pack in your preparation.
The book is stuffed with extraordinary data, managing the significance of understanding sentiments and feelings and how to pinpoint your cravings (while not getting excessively joined to direct results) and characterize your objectives.
LaPorte takes advantage of old insight with a twist and offers present-day, pragmatic guidance for living your reality to consistently assist peruses with characterizing their core desire feelings (CDFs).
LaPorte’s composing style is fun, easygoing, lively, and loaded with truth. She sprinkles moving and pertinent statements and pulls statements and exercise manual pages, making this a valuable part of adding to your end table.


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