An Ode to Stephen Covey Sr. and The Abundance Mentality


Stephen R. Covey researched two hundred years of achievement literature while studying for his Ph.D. in the 1970s. Ever since the 1920s, his publications have concentrated on remedies to specific issues. Such practical guidance may have been useful in circumstances. But it is only for urgent problems and not for long-term, underlying problems. The final half of the twentieth century helped him in achieving linked success to:


Scarcity mentality people never see the world with a broader view. They feel something is taken away from them whenever anyone earns extraordinary success. The Abundance Mentality extends the personal delight, pleasure, and fulfillment of Habits 1–3. Such people embrace the individuality, inner purpose, and active spirit of others. They acknowledge the limitless potential for positive interaction progress and expansion. It results in the creation of new Third Options.

  • Personality attributes
  • Abilities and procedures
  • Keeping a happy attitude

An Ode to Stephen Covey Sr. and The Abundance Mentality book,

3 Habits of Highly Effective People

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, leads us through the three-character qualities that are crucial to the Win/Win concept. The three necessary character attributes are:

  • Honesty
  • Wisdom
  • An abundance mindset


The first characteristic is honesty. Integrity aids in the alignment of our behaviors with our ideals. When we are doing this, we may decide what a Real Win is, which is compatible with our deepest beliefs. Integrity also serves as a basis for developing trust with others.

“We’ve defined honesty as the importance we place on oneself,” Covey writes. Habits 1, 2, and 3 aid us in developing and keeping integrity. We build self-awareness and autonomous will by creating and honoring real promises. We clearly define our beliefs and organize and execute around certain goals regularly. There is no way to aim for a Win inside our lifestyles. Our promises lose their significance if:

  • We do not understand what a Win is in a fundamental sense
  • We do not know what is consistent with our deepest ideals.
  • We cannot create and keep promises to ourselves and others.

We are aware of it, as are others. They become wary when they detect deception. There is no trust base, and Win/Win has become a useless surface strategy. Integrity is indeed the charity’s pillar.


The second characteristic is maturity. It is our ability to match our views with the ideas of others that separates us. We also can see the big picture and focus on raising the quality of life and standard of living for all parties.

“Maturity is the compromise between courage and care,” explains Covey. If a person can communicate his views with bravery while also considering the emotions and views of others, he is mature. Especially if the topic is incredibly important to both sides. Most of the psychological evaluations used for recruiting and training are meant to assess this level of maturity.

Whether it is referred to as personality strength or self-belief for everyone else’s stability. The performance sought later is the stability of what I call strength of character and appreciation. Respect for this characteristic is embedded in human contact, business, and leadership thought.

Stephen Covey has described the maturity continuum in his book. It is a path of growth, which includes:

  • Dependence
  • Independence
  • Interdependence

He states that everyone is dependent at birth. It means that they need others to fulfill their wants. Independence means when a person is free from external influence. Lastly, interdependence means teamwork. Today, leaders need to be interdependent to get their jobs done effectively. They can combine their talents and cooperate with each other to grow together.

Abundance Mindset:

We function from our Reptilian Brain or even in a Fight-or-Flight state when we have a Scarcity Mentality. This results in turf conflicts and inappropriate behavior. The Abundance Mentality allows us to function at a higher level. We think that there is enough for everyone and see it as a task to find a way to make that happen.

“The third character attribute crucial to Win/Win is indeed the Abundance Mindset. It is the idea that there has been abundance out there for everyone,” Covey adds. Most people are thoroughly programmed in what I term Scarcity Mentality. They regard life as having a finite number of resources as if there were just one pie available. And if someone gets a huge slice of the pie, it means less for everyone else.

The Scarcity Way of thinking is life’s zero-sum worldview. Such individuals find it difficult to share recognition and responsibility, power, or profit. Especially with others who aid in production. They also have a tough time being glad for the achievement of others. They even, and especially, are jealous of their relatives, close friends, and coworkers.


What else does Covey have said about “abundant mentality”?

Ans. Covey invented the phrase “abundance mentality” or “abundant supply mindset,” which refers to a mode of thinking. Wherein one feels there will be enough assets and triumphs to offer to others.

What is the distinction between a scarcity mentality and an abundant mindset?

Ans. Many of us do not achieve our goals because we have a scarcity mentality. It relates to the belief that the world has finite resources for few people. An abundant mindset relates to the belief that there is abundance for everyone.

What does Stephen Covey’s phrase “first things first” mean?

Ans. Getting first things first includes arranging and conducting your top priorities. It is living and being motivated by the ideals that are most important to you, not by the agendas and forces around you.

What are the benefits of having an abundant mindset?

Ans. Having an abundant mentality allows you to utter the proper things. It inspires, encourages, develops confidence, and proves that you respect others around you.


The Abundance Attitude, according to Covey, arises from a profound inner feeling of individual value and security. It is the belief that it is adequate for everyone and that it is sufficient to go around. These lead to the sharing of status, recognition, earnings, and decision-making authority. It opens the door to new options, ideas, choices, and innovation.

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